Advice and Counselling for Women Suffering From the Effects of FGM

If you have personal experience, or know of anyone who has undergone genital mutilation, there are a number of specialist clinics and organisations run by experienced female staff who can help.

All clinics offer gynaecological and routine antenatal care for African women. They also offer de-infibulation (reversal).

If you need to talk to someone about your experience, or feel you might be at risk, the clinics offer support, advice and information and translation services are available.

Comfort Momoh
African Well Women Clinic
Guy’s Hospital
St. Thomas Street
Tel: 020 7188 6872 (mobile 07956542576)

The African Well Women Clinic
Central Middlesex Hospital
Acton Lane
Park Royal
NW10 7NS
Tel: 020 8965 5733

Northwick Park Hospital
Watford Road
Tel: 020 8869 2880

The African Well Women’s Service, Waltham Forest PCT
Ground Floor
Oliver Road Medical Centre
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Contact Jennifer Bourne Specialist Nurse: 020 8430 7382
Faduma Hussein, Community Health Adviser: 020 8430 7381
Leyla Hussein Youth Outreach Worker: 07824839488

Liverpool Women’s Hospital
Crown Street
Tel: 0151 702 4028

Liz Rutherford
Manchester Refugees Support Network
St James Centre
95 A Princess Road
Moss Side
Tel:0161 232 7420

Midlands Refugee Council
5th Floor
Smithfield House
Tel: 0121 212 1435

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